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Configuring the SDK

OneSDK can be used in one of two ways:

  • Without configuration: You pass the most essential configuration directly as a function parameter in code. This is ideal for small projects and for trying Superface out.

  • With configuration: You configure Superface through a central configuration file or object. This is ideal for larger projects, or when you need advanced features.

As your project grows in size and complexity, you may find it useful to have a central location for configuring details concerning your API integrations.

There are also some features that cannot be used with the simple "config-less" approach (as in Getting Started), namely:

  • Using locally stored profiles, maps and providers; e.g. (yet) unpublished integrations, or integrations with APIs internal to your organization.
  • Configuring provider failover.

For these cases, there's Superface configuration.

This configuration can be passed as a super.json file (located by default in the superface folder under your project root) or as a full object.

// If it exists, `super.json` is loaded from `superface/super.json` under project root
const sdk = new SuperfaceClient();

For more info on SDK client initialization, see OneSDK Reference. For more info on super.json and Superface configuration, see super.json reference.

Getting started with super.json

First, install the Superface CLI.

# if using yarn
yarn global add @superfaceai/cli@3
# otherwise
npm install --global @superfaceai/cli@3

Or you can use NPX directly with Superface CLI commands:

npx @superfaceai/cli@3 [command]

Installing profiles

Installing a profile fixes its version in the super.json config file. In the project directory, run:

npx @superfaceai/cli@3 install <profileName>

The CLI creates a configuration file in superface/super.json.

Configuring providers

Next, you configure a provider for the use case:

npx @superfaceai/cli@3 configure <providerName> -p <profileName>

CLI may instruct you about setting up API keys if the provider needs them.


You should have a superface/super.json file now, ready to be tweaked further. For more info regarding Superface configuration, see super.json reference.

This also means you no longer have to keep and pass profile versions in code:

const { SuperfaceClient } = require('@superfaceai/one-sdk');

const sdk = new SuperfaceClient();

async function run() {
const profile = await sdk.getProfile('<profileName>');

const result = await profile.getUseCase('<usecaseName>').perform({
// Input parameters



Loading super.json from elsewhere

In some deployment scenarios and environments, it may be inconvenient to rely on the filesystem. For these reasons, it is also possible to load super.json in a custom manner:

// Custom config loading logic
const superJson = fetchFromMyDatabase('super.json');
const sdk = new SuperfaceClient({ superJson });

Misconfigured bundlers may also pose problems by not including the super.json in the resulting output. One possible solution is to explicitly include the super.json in your code, like so:

import superJson from '../superface/super.json';

const sdk = new SuperfaceClient({ superJson });