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In this example, we will go over the steps required to implement Superface into your Node.js application development workflow.

Have you created Comlinks?

This guide assumes that you have already installed and run the Superface CLI to generate the Comlinks for the API integration you want to work with. If not, please start here.

Install OneSDK

npm i @superfaceai/one-sdk@beta

Finally, create a new file called index.mjs, or open whichever file you want to include your integration code in.

If you created your Comlinks with the Superface CLI in a different folder, please move them to a superface folder at the root of your application. The following files are expected by OneSDK.

└── superface/ - directory with all the Comlinks in project root
├── <profileScope>.<profileName>.profile - profile file
├── <providerName>.provider.json - provider file
├── <profileScope>.<profileName>.<providerName>.map.js - map file
└── ... - repeat for all the Comlinks

Add the OneSDK function

In order to work with the Comlink files, you need to import the OneClient library from OneSDK. Then you are free to create any standard async function you like to run the code. The example below outlines all the options that are available.

However, if you have generated your Comlinks using the Superface CLI, you already have this function available to you via the <scope>.<use-case>.<provider>.mjs file that you will find in the root of your superface folder.

import { OneClient } from '@superfaceai/one-sdk';

async function main() {
const client = new OneClient(
token: '<your-superface-token>', // optional
assetsPath: '<path-to-superface-folder>' //default is ./superface
const profile = await client.getProfile('<profileName>');
const useCase = profile.getUseCase('<usecaseName>');

try {
const result = await useCase.perform(
// Input parameters as defined in profile:
<key>: '<value>',
provider: '<providerName>',
parameters: {
// Provider specific integration parameters:
'<integrationParameterName>': '<integrationParameterValue>',
security: {
// Provider specific security values:
'<securityValueId>': {
// Security values as described in provider or on profile page
// output result on success
console.log("RESULT:", JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
} catch(e) {
// output result on error
console.log("ERROR:", JSON.stringify(e, null, 2));


Run the code

If using a version of Node.js before 18.17.0 you will need to enable WASI by providing an extra flag:

node --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1 index.mjs

For later versions of Node.js you can run the script as normal:

node index.mjs