Quick Start (OneSDK)
The Superface OneSDK is the interface between your application, and the API provider you want to work with. It uses the Comlinks generated by the Superface CLI to perform the use cases you define.
Here's how you get it up and running in your project.
Install OneSDK
Superface OneSDK requires either Node.js version 18.0.0 or newer to be installed, and Python 3.8 or newer if you want to output for your Python project.
In your app directory, install the OneSDK library:
- Node.js
- Python
npm install @superfaceai/one-sdk@beta
pip install one-sdk
Create your code
This example assumes that the Comlink files generated by the CLI will be a folder named superface
, however if you have a different folder structure you can set the assetsPath
as an option of the OneClient()
set up below:
- Node.js
- Python
import { OneClient, PerformError, UnexpectedError } from '@superfaceai/one-sdk';
async function main() {
const client = new OneClient({
// The token for monitoring your Comlinks at https://superface.ai
token: process.env.SUPERFACE_ONESDK_TOKEN,
// Path to Comlinks within your project
assetsPath: '<path_to_superface_comlinks>'
// Assign our CLI generated profile so it matches
// the 'name' in the .profile file.
// Example: email-communication/email-sending
const profile = await client.getProfile('<profileName>');
const useCase = profile.getUseCase('<usecaseName>'); // The <usecaseName> is also found in the .profile file
try {
const result = await useCase
// Input parameters as defined in profile:
<key>: '<value>',
provider: '<providerName>',
parameters: {
// Provider specific integration parameters:
'<integrationParameterName>': '<integrationParameterValue>',
security: {
// Provider specific security values:
'<securityValueId>': {
// Security values as described in provider or on profile page
// output result on success
console.log("RESULT:", JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof PerformError) {
console.log('ERROR RESULT:', e.errorResult);
} else if (e instanceof UnexpectedError) {
console.error('ERROR:', e);
} else {
throw e;
import sys
import os
from one_sdk import OneClient, PerformError, UnexpectedError
client = OneClient(
# The token for monitoring your Comlinks at https://superface.ai
token = os.getenv("SUPERFACE_ONESDK_TOKEN"),
# Path to Comlinks within your project
assets_path = "/Users/martyndavies/development/superface/demos/email-demo/superface"
profile = client.get_profile("<profileName>")
use_case = profile.get_usecase("<usecaseName>")
r = use_case.perform(
# Input parameters as defined in profile:
'<key>': '<value>'
provider = '<providerName>',
# Provider specific integration parameters:
parameters = {
'<integrationParameterName>': '<integrationParameterValue>'
security = {
# Provider specific security values:
'<securityValueId>': {
# Security values as described in provider or on profile page
print(f"RESULT: {r}")
except PerformError as e:
print(f"ERROR RESULT: {e.error_result}")
except UnexpectedError as e:
print(f"ERROR: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
except Exception as e:
raise e
It's time to run your app!
- Node.js
- Python
Because the Superface OneSDK is built with WASM, it requires that you pass the --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1
flag if using Node.js version 18.17.0
or earlier.
node --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1 index.mjs
For later versions of Node.js, you can run the script as normal:
node index.mjs
python main.py
Set the environment variable ONESDK_LOG
to on
to see API calls from OneSDK to the API you are connecting to:
- Node.js
- Python
ONESDK_LOG="on" node --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1 index.mjs
ONESDK_LOG="on" python main.py
This can print out potentially sensitive information, like API keys and access tokens.